The second in our award-winning series of films for Oracle took us from downtown Shanghai to the remote mountain villages of Anhui province.

The film tells the story of Ying, who finds a way to care for her parents from her new home in Shanghai with the help of Yihaodian online shopping and Oracle Exadata.

The film was shot on Canon C300 over three days in Shanghai and in Chaji Village in Anhui.

Actors, locations and on-the-ground production expertly handled by Lee Chi Shun and his team at A+B in Shanghai.

See below for the "back story" featuring Yihaodian executives discussing the benefits of employing Exadata.

Written, Directed and Edited by Jon Moore

DP Chris Dickinson

Executive Producer Justin Keen at Oracle Brand and Creative

Post Production at The Deck

The concept of selling Exadata through human interest stories was introduced to Oracle Brand and Creative by The Deck earlier this year. We pitched a series of stories, which would highlight how Oracle's customers are being "empowered by Exadata" to transform ordinary people's lives.

The first in the series, Hassan's Story took us to The Maldives. Upcoming stories will be set in Australia and Sichuan Province in China.

Watch on Oracle Media Network
